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Posts tagged theatre

Diaghilev. The creator with invincibl...


Diaghilev … There are figures in the creative world, without which, art undoubtedly existed and developed in its own way, but perhaps not so rapidly and brightly  and  may be would not embrace so many people from different countries and would not become such inspiring and exciting phenomenon. The life and work of Sergei Pavlovich […]

Artists and theatre. Part 2. Yves Sai...


Yves Saint Laurent was the artist, the designer, the genius, the brand. There is the whole world beyond his name. The world of fashion is  bustling, glamorous, cruel but attractive and fantastic, where as a scattered bright mosaic, there are catwalks, models, haute couture shows, boutiques, magazines, tortures of creative process, rehearsals and at last after another sumptuous collection […]

Artists and theatre. Part1. Leon Baks...


When an artist creates his own unique visual world, an architect designs of his environment, a playwright plunges us into the world of his characters, a composer sets a certain rhythm, then a theater artist has the global task to unite the creative vision of all participants of spectacle, while staying true to itself and its […]

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