Sagittarius December will reward you with unforgettable emotions. Leave your problems behind and do only what energizes you. Leave tangibles far from the front of your life. Live with your heart and even the boldest dreams can be accomplished in this month. Aries It is necessary to finish the cases that have accumulated and are […]
Five design things of this week #12
If the middle of November seems to you as dark and cold period, look at our selection of designer items. The oriental lamps in combination with ascetic lines of modern trends create coziness and you will want to hide with a good book and a cup of fragrant tea in the yellow-orange armchairs of the […]
When design inspires # 9.Follow for t...
To improve the world around you, create the atmosphere brighter, set the mood, to some extent, charge others by positive emotions, make you think, maybe even come to a meaningful decision, convey an elusive message, I think, this is the greatest task of the artist, designer and creative person in general. Everyone would like […]
Five design things of this week #11
November has came and it became colder and darker. It seems that white flies will fly soon, the snow will make our world whiter, but do not be dejected. This week’s selection is affected by a positive mood. 1. Sofa by Stephen Burks Pleats sofa a unique, three dimensional quality to its upholstery. Available as […]
The crystal world of translucent geo...
Have you ever wanted to look inside the crystals? Perhaps,there is special world is lying behind the edges of pink quartz or blue corundum or any crystal is the prism through which you could see inside something more. Wenzel Hablik, Self-Supporting Cupola with five Mountain Peaks as Basis, 1925 Wenzel Hublik is one of the […]
Star’s promises. Horoscopes for novem...
November seems a dull and boring month, but only at first glance. In fact, this time bears in itself the soulfulness that prompts the person to understand himself and gain strength for further accomplishments before the onset of winter. November is a preparatory period for decisive action, you just need to pick up a […]
Five design things of this week #10
The last week of October is almost coming and our collection of things, maybe not quite, in the trend of these days. Although we like the general fun reigning in eve Halloween, La frimeuse chooses his mood. And this is ambience of a friendly or romantic meeting in the cafe, the smell of coffee, the […]
Reality is fabricated out of desire. ...
Now nobody has any doubts of fact that photography is distinctive kind of art, standing on one row with painting, sculpture, graphics. It can be part of all arts and define the environment. This art is not so ancient, but also attractive to us as others fine arts, that fill our life and save its […]
The North Art Nouveau
There is nothing new, except only that we aren’t tired to repeat for the hundred and fifty-first time : “St. Petersburg is an amazing city!” Sometimes we walk along the same streets in the center, seemingly, for an eternity and stop noticing much, getting deeper into your thoughts and worries. But it is worth at […]
Five design things of this week #9
Time doesn’t slow down its run even if you would beg it. We will soon cross the middle line of the autumn season. This traditional selection shows how we want a clear outline and a bright color. Therefore, no halftones, only black, white and bright yellow! 1. “Face to Face” sofa (1968), designer Pierre Paulin material: […]