The smooth lines attract us to the depths of her paintings, set by contrast, but at the same tim, soft shadows and foggy blurred boundaries of objects envelop the viewer as a southern night with her warm air and exotic plant flavors, where beautiful creatures of nature in her work are committed sensual and mysterious [...]
Do you like autumn, for its spicy scent soaring in the clear air, gold and copper of falling leaves, light sadness and tranquility, or do you not hate because that season has come here instead a carefree summer, some annoying rain has started to drum and kind of longing has occured. In this case, [...]
The end of May is a wonderful time when the sun still warms softly and affectionately, without thinking of burning, when the green of grass and foliage is bright and fresh, and the sky is blue, and in the morning in a gentle haze, the day wakes up. The time when, in anticipation of the [...]
When new technologies help to create, develop new ideas and create works with complex forms, random patterns and digitized textures, one can want to believe that we, even in our cold, calculating, satiated age, will be able to say our word to the future and in the history of the arts our time will become [...]
In the spring we want to change especially, sharply, cardinally with a turn of 180 degrees. I want utmost clarity, black let it be black, red red, and white white! Long live the geometry – great and “terrible”! 1. Aleaf Armchair, designer Michele Franzina CONCEPT A flexible and superconfortable innovative chaise longue YOU can use for [...]
A good design, as many people think, consists of simple lines, clear forms, that reflects its content, functionality, restraint, elegance – generally, the good design is the thing speaking of nice taste of an owner. It s like this. Initially, begining since the end of XIX century the best artistic minds fought for the conception [...]