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Degann. A fragile inner world behind layers of transparency



The true artist  always tries tо reflect a fleeting moment, a rapid run of thoughts, a change of emotions. To grasp the fine adjustments of our souls is one of the main task of a creative person. It does not matter if there is  a line or a spot of the color, when we have a feeling that the image comes alive, breathes and, more importantly, reveals its inner world.


The philosophy  of Degann ( Degann, Anne de Groot) is not any creating an exact resemblance to the model, but seeking those subtle movements of human souls, when all masks concealing our vulnerability have fallen.

Understanding the world around and the transfer of her personal discoveries, experiences through the images is the main creative goal of this unique artist.


Series «Imperfections», Technique/medium: oil on linen, 2011,  photo: courtesy of Degann

How can we see and perceive our world? Rationally, by criterias imposed by society ? Sometimes one needs to reject all of that instilled us for years, to let go it and just start to contemplate, to watch how the flowing paints remove the focus from a face on paper, and invites us to look further through other transparent layers for capturing the uniqueness of the moment.


Series «Marie-Claire», Acrylics and oil paint on cotton, 2015, photo: courtesy of Degann

For several years the artist has experimented with transparent layers of paints, behind which the features of strangers displayed  where subtly and faintly or somewhere more  intensively and brightly. And by that way the series of portraits of «Imperfections» was created.


Marie-Claire is modeling before the painting, series «Marie-Claire», Oil on linen, 2013-2014, photo: courtesy of Degann

Three years  the same model was the girl that Degann painted different moments of her life, diverse moods, and thoughts.  The next series of «Marie Claire» appeared as the result of this experiences. The artist tried to explain and live through  again that span of her life, when she was the same age as the Marie Claire through the works of this series. Marie Claire embodies that period of  time.


As the artist describe her work : «During this period, I have only been painting her head, time and time again trying to get closer to the crux of her as a person epitomizing a certain period of time. Limiting myself to a small framework and using watercolours resulted in a battle with water, in which it has been key to find out to what extent I can control the medium and how I can anticipate contingencies. I am always wondering when to leave the paper alone, when it is breathing just enough.»

Directly engaging the spectator in the new series, which is now in the process, Degann develops her philosophy: human souls and their inner worlds are fragile, defenseless but, at the same time, beautiful and understanding it is the most important thing.


More information on the artist at

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